Monday, August 14, 2017

Rick Howley AVP Operations, The CCS Companies

     How is this criminal still employed in collections. He was in charge of Ellen Muffucci during the prime "Muffcci Collections, Inc" years. Muffucci stole so much money, at least $100,000.

     I know the FBI has a record of this crime. I walked into the Boston office and chatted with the Feds. I wrote up a statement. The Agent would not even tell me her name.

    I have had no luck with the freedom of Information act in obtaining this statement. I will get it sooner or later.

  Letter Sent to FOIA

FOIA Requestor Service Center (H1C)

Room 7308

1800 F Street, NW          

Washington, DC 20405


      In 2006 (around that time period) I made a complaint to GSA concerning an approved Vendor.

That vendor, Valentine and Kebartas, for years were stealing Dell Computers from consumers nationwide.


Ellen Muffucci Collections

Ellen Muffucci

Robert Kebartas

Darlene Tanchak

Nicole Wood

Frank Cann Jr

Robert Howley

Robert Munise

I also made a complaint with the FBI. I walked right into their office. The Agent was to motivated. She refused to tell me her name.

Thank You,

Friday, August 11, 2017

The BaB!

The Lord of the universe hath never raised up a prophet nor hath He sent down a Book unless He hath established His covenant with all men, calling for their acceptance of the next Revelation and of the next Book; inasmuch as the outpourings of His bounty are ceaseless and without limit

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Donald Trump's lying media

       How can this article be published. I CALLED THE POLICE ON MYSELF. I also had the neighbor come over and inspect the dog before the police arrived. It was not bleeding and there were no holes in the wall. Leanne Cloutman mutilated that dead dog with a baseball bat then she knocked out holes in the wall. How do you hit a dead dog with a baseball bat and not throw up. Leanne was kicked out of the apartment at that time too. Paper didn't bother with that.

      At that time my stalking case had long been overturned (almost five years), the state had not updated my criminal background. I stood in court a convicted felon accused of mutilating a dog.

     Leanne Cloutman mutilated that dog, Byline: Jennifer Amy Myers's Hero.

      I swear on Christ himself those girls tortured that dog. It was a mean dog and it bite once to often, so I kicked it. Too hard, it died. When I stood over that body I saw Jesus Christ. He told me to get the neighbor to witness my repentance, then turn yourself in peacefully.

     That was the third time I have seen Jesus. The first time I was in a courtroom and was being blinded by the sun. Jesus was the only one on my side. He smiled at me, I did not smile back.

     The last time was a year ago. He told me there is no harm in talking, tell them.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Proverbs 21:28
A false witness shall perish, but the man that heareth speaketh constantly.
A false witness shall perish; But the man that heareth shall speak so as to endure.
A false witness will perish, But a man who listens to the truth will speak forever and go unchallenged.
A false witness will perish, but the word of a man who hears attentively will endure and go unchallenged.
A false witness shall perish: but the man that heareth speaketh constantly.
A lying witness will perish, but the one who listens will speak successfully.
A lying witness will perish, but one who listens will testify successfully.
A lying witness is doomed, but one who heard [what was said] will testify successfully.
If you tell lies in court, you are done for; only a reliable witness can do the job.
A lying witness shall perish; and a man that heareth shall speak constantly.
A lying witness shall perish: an obedient man shall speak of victory.
Witnesses who lie will be caught and punished. A careful listener will always be there to speak up.
A false witness will perish, but the word of a man who hears will endure.
A false witness will perish, but the word of a man who hears will endure.
A lying witness will ·be forgotten [perish], but a truthful witness will speak on.
A false witness shall perish: but he that heareth, speaketh continually.
A lying witness will die, but a person who listens to advice will continue to speak.
The testimony of a liar is not believed, but the word of someone who thinks matters through is accepted.
A lying witness will perish, but the one who listens will speak successfully.
The words of a lying witness will die. But the words of an obedient man will always be remembered.
A false witness will perish, but whoever listens will testify successfully.
¶ The false witness shall perish, but the man that hears shall stand fast in his word.
A false witness shall perish: but the man that heareth speaketh constantly.
A false witness shall perish: but the man that heareth speaketh constantly.
A false witness will perish, but a man who listens will testify with success.
No one believes a liar, but everyone respects the words of an honest man.
A lying witness is unconvincing; a person who speaks truth is respected.
A false witness will perish, but a man who listens will speak forever.
A lying witness will die, but a person who listens to advice will continue to speak.
The false witness will perish, but one who listens will give lasting testimony.
A false witness will perish, But the man who listens to the truth will speak forever.
A lying witness will be forgotten, but a truthful witness will speak on.
A lying witness will perish, but the one who reports accurately speaks forever.
Witnesses who aren’t honest will die. But anyone who listens carefully will be a successful witness.
A false witness will perish, but a careful listener will testify successfully.
A false witness will perish, but a careful listener will testify successfully.
A false witness shall perish, But the man who hears him will speak endlessly.
A person who tells a lie about someone else will be lost, but the man who listens to the truth will speak forever.
A false witness will be cut off, but a credible witness will be allowed to speak.
A false witness will perish, but a good listener will testify successfully.
A false witness will perish, but a good listener will testify successfully.
A false witness will perish, but a good listener will testify successfully.
A false witness will perish, but a good listener will testify successfully.
An ed kezavim (lying witness) shall perish, but the ish that heareth [emes] speaketh lanetzach (unto eternity).
A false witness will perish, but the word of a man who hears will endure.
A false witness will perish, but the word of a man who hears will endure.
A false witness will perish, but a man who hears will speak forever.
The testimony of a false witness is eventually impeached, but the person who truly listens will have the last word.
A false witness will perish, and a man who listens speaks to eternity.
A false witness shall perish; a man obedient shall speak victory (but an honest person shall speak, and be rewarded).
A false witness doth perish, And an attentive man for ever speaketh.