Monday, August 14, 2017

Rick Howley AVP Operations, The CCS Companies

     How is this criminal still employed in collections. He was in charge of Ellen Muffucci during the prime "Muffcci Collections, Inc" years. Muffucci stole so much money, at least $100,000.

     I know the FBI has a record of this crime. I walked into the Boston office and chatted with the Feds. I wrote up a statement. The Agent would not even tell me her name.

    I have had no luck with the freedom of Information act in obtaining this statement. I will get it sooner or later.

  Letter Sent to FOIA

FOIA Requestor Service Center (H1C)

Room 7308

1800 F Street, NW          

Washington, DC 20405


      In 2006 (around that time period) I made a complaint to GSA concerning an approved Vendor.

That vendor, Valentine and Kebartas, for years were stealing Dell Computers from consumers nationwide.


Ellen Muffucci Collections

Ellen Muffucci

Robert Kebartas

Darlene Tanchak

Nicole Wood

Frank Cann Jr

Robert Howley

Robert Munise

I also made a complaint with the FBI. I walked right into their office. The Agent was to motivated. She refused to tell me her name.

Thank You,

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