Saturday, August 5, 2017

Donald Trump's lying media

       How can this article be published. I CALLED THE POLICE ON MYSELF. I also had the neighbor come over and inspect the dog before the police arrived. It was not bleeding and there were no holes in the wall. Leanne Cloutman mutilated that dead dog with a baseball bat then she knocked out holes in the wall. How do you hit a dead dog with a baseball bat and not throw up. Leanne was kicked out of the apartment at that time too. Paper didn't bother with that.

      At that time my stalking case had long been overturned (almost five years), the state had not updated my criminal background. I stood in court a convicted felon accused of mutilating a dog.

     Leanne Cloutman mutilated that dog, Byline: Jennifer Amy Myers's Hero.

      I swear on Christ himself those girls tortured that dog. It was a mean dog and it bite once to often, so I kicked it. Too hard, it died. When I stood over that body I saw Jesus Christ. He told me to get the neighbor to witness my repentance, then turn yourself in peacefully.

     That was the third time I have seen Jesus. The first time I was in a courtroom and was being blinded by the sun. Jesus was the only one on my side. He smiled at me, I did not smile back.

     The last time was a year ago. He told me there is no harm in talking, tell them.

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